Highway Resource Solutions Ltd believes the skills, capabilities and talents of its employees are the key to its success. The Company benefits enormously from the diversity and variety of its workforce and is fully committed to maintaining and encouraging this diversity. The richer the mix of people, skills and cultures; the greater the range of inputs, viewpoints and experiences. Because of this, Highway Resource Solutions Ltd is fully committed to being an equal opportunities employer, defined by its diversity and opposition to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.
Equality of opportunity refers to the fair treatment of individuals at work and employment decisions being made on relevant, objective criteria. The Company will not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, disability, sexuality, religion, philosophical belief, political belief (in Northern Ireland), trade union membership or age, as guided by the Equality Act 2010.
Diversity is about bringing together a rich mix of people with differing perspectives and from different backgrounds, and creating an environment in which those differences are valued. Diversity improves competitiveness by enlarging the potential for ideas and innovation, one of Highway Resource Solutions Ltd key principles. It is therefore a business imperative and part of the Company’s corporate and social responsibility.
The purpose of this policy is to:
As an employee of Highway Resource Solutions Ltd, you will be treated fairly and with respect. You will be encouraged to develop your full potential, ensuring your talents are fully utilised for the benefit of the organisation. Highway Resource Solutions Ltd has established the following guiding principles for managing equality of opportunity and diversity:
Throughout your career with Highway Resource Solutions Ltd, you will be treated no less favourably, nor be disadvantaged by conditions, requirements or practices which cannot be shown to be just, fair and based upon your ability. This will be reflected in the application of the recruitment, selection, training, promotion, performance management, reward, disciplinary and grievance procedures.
To attract the most suitable candidates for the role, job advertisements will not be confined to areas or publications that would exclude or disproportionately reduce the number of applicants. When you apply for a job within Highway Resource Solutions Ltd; your application will be matched against a clear job description.
Interviews and selection centres will be based upon the job description. You are expected to disclose to Highway Resource Solutions Ltd any disability you may have, so any reasonable adjustments can be made to the recruitment and selection procedures.
You will be subject to the same fair and objective selection criteria as applied in the recruitment and selection process for promotion or transfer opportunities.
Your training and development needs will be treated according to their individual merits, based upon business and individual requirements. You will be provided with equal and fair access to all training and development opportunities appropriate to your role, personal development and further career within Highway Resource Solutions Ltd.
This is a review time for you and your manager to formally discuss your objectives, development and career aspirations. Your review will be conducted fairly and objectively, based upon your achievements and ability, taking into consideration any factors which may have an impact on these.
In the course of your career with Highway Resource Solutions Ltd, you are likely to have frequent discussions with your manager about work issues outside of the formal performance appraisal systems. These discussions will be subject to the same principles of fairness and objectivity, free of any unlawful or unfair discrimination, harassment or prejudice.
You will be fairly rewarded for the work that you do irrespective of gender or other unfair criteria.
Highway Resource Solutions Ltd will ensure this by operating and maintaining a reward system that provides all employees with the appropriate pay and conditions for the work they do. This will be based upon the levels of skill, knowledge, and responsibility appropriate to each individual.
If you feel you are the victim of harassment, you must raise a grievance using the Company grievance procedure. The Company recognises that raising a grievance, especially if it concerns allegations of harassment, may be difficult and upsetting. However, it is very important that you raise your concerns as quickly possible. The Company will not ignore complaints of harassment and will ensure that they are investigated swiftly and confidentially. You should be assured that:
Allegations of harassment or discrimination are very serious. If you allege harassment or discrimination with malicious intent or without justification, you will be subject to disciplinary action.
The Company reserves the right to cancel or amend this policy at any time.